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Bianca Puleo



Diederik Pierani




Born in 1948 and participating in the Mercato Ortofrutticolo di Milano until 1999, Pizzi Osvaldo & C. was among the pioneers in embracing organic agriculture. As one of the founding partners of AssoBio, a consortium comprising the sector’s most prominent firms, we spearhead supply chain initiatives bridging between retailers and producers. We establish stringent control standards focused on quality, assurance, and product traceability. By choice and commitment, we engage in managing alternative energy sources, promoting recycling, and transforming processing waste to minimize the environmental footprint across all production phases while safeguarding the rights of our workers.

CAMBIA LA TERRA (Change the Earth)

Pizzi Osvaldo & C. is a proud partner of the “Cambia la Terra” (Change the Earth) project, an initiative endorsed by the organic sector advocating against chemical agriculture and promoting awareness about the health of our planet and humanity.

Cambia la Terra is a campaign focused on raising awareness, supported by companies who avoid using synthetic pesticides and fertilizers on their fields, produce and sell clean products, and envision a new future for the country. The goal is to provide a tool for everyone to comprehend their food choices and gain insight into the workings of the industrial agricultural system. Our primary goal is to challenge the beliefs and habits acquired through years of passive consumption.

Safe and certified

Pizzi Osvaldo & C. S.p.A. and the brand Alibio are certified by Demeter Associazione Italia, a private association of producers, transformers and distributors of organic and biodynamic food products.

Partners who adhere to the international Demeter standards for production, transformation, and labeling have the privilege of displaying the Demeter brand on their products.

News from the organic world
Nothing goes to waste!

All the remaining unsold fruit and vegetables of Pizzi Osvaldo & C. don’t go to waste. We are in fact partners of Agricola Pro Bono, the non-profit organisation that collects directly from producers and organic distributors, fruit and vegetables to deliver them to entities in Milan and Como.